Animal proteins are the cause of most modern day diseases. Not convinced then check out The Rave Diet Book and Eating DVD would be enough to convince a healthy person, but if you have a life threatening condition that has been said to irreversible, don’t waste any more time just start eating a plant based diet. Loving …
Tag: cancer
How can you just stop eating meat and drinking milk
Written by Serah Roer, Saturday, 24 July 2010 09:13 A. How can you just stop eating meat and drinking milk when you know you would soon be sick and tired and your bones will start breaking easily? B. Please open your eyes for a moment and look around you. People ARE sick and tired and many …
Letter to The Canadian Federal Minister responsible for Agriculture and Fisheries.
Saturday, 24 July 2010 09:40 To The Canadian Federal Minister responsible for Agriculture and Fisheries. Dear Sir, As an informed citizen I would like to voice my opinion concerning Canadian Nutritional Policy. To achieve a healthy democracy, what would be the best focus but to achieve a truly healthy population in a country where the …