written by Serah Roer, May 17, 2011 Well it has happened! It took a while. As my mother would say, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’! After much vacillating and back tracking; justifying; trials and errors; testing and reading of numerous books; by George I think we are vegetarians! After reading The China Study and …
Tag: The China Study
Animal protein causes modern day diseases
Animal proteins are the cause of most modern day diseases. Not convinced then check out www.ravediet.com. The Rave Diet Book and Eating DVD would be enough to convince a healthy person, but if you have a life threatening condition that has been said to irreversible, don’t waste any more time just start eating a plant based diet. Loving …
The book China Study is Changing Our Eating Habits
Written by Serah Roer Saturday, 24 July 2010 08:50 On being nudged into the China Study book, it didn’t take long for the nudge turn to turn into a push for me to learn more and put ‘less meat and more than two veg’ into my own eating habits. Here are some of the posts …
On the Way to One Wholly Healthy Planet.
Channelled by Serah Roer via Beau Vert the crystal skull Saturday, 24 July 2010 09:45 Following on from the book review of The China Study by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas W. Campbell published in the Spring Quester Journal. The eCornell course- is completed and the Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate in hand. www.ecornell.com/online/tcc info@ecornell.com 1-866-326-7635 Now what? …