Awakening and Healing the Rainbow Body by Jessie E. Ayani

Book Review by Serah Roer February 14, 2012 (Valentine’s Day)

Thank you Jessie E. Ayani for your book,  Awakening and Healing the Rainbow Body, Heart of the Sun 2004

[important] The path of self-mastery asks that we become aware of our self as light/energy – sacred geometry compressed into form (our rainbow body).[/important]

Reading pages 89 to 93 last evening and this morning gives me this insight.

Physical Body is where we carry the Genes of the Bloodline and all that these might entail.

Detoxify this to integrate the Light into The Mother Earth and obtain Mastery of the physical form for Good Health.   The Ascending Triangle of the human body creates the Gateway of Fire- the Portal to the Body of Light, the eye of the needle.

The Etheric Body is the source energy to the Physical Form via the nerve trunks of the body that carry electrons of metabolism and respiration.  The rising energy flow of the Etheric Body benefits both the Physical and the Emotional Body. Continue reading

Veg. to go!

written by Serah Roer, May 17, 2011

Well it has happened!   It took a while. As my mother would say, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day’!  After much vacillating and back tracking; justifying; trials and errors; testing and reading of numerous books;  by George I think we are vegetarians!  After reading The China Study and doing the online Nutrition Course with ecornell University, my mind was full of reasons why I shouldn’t eat meat and dairy ever again.  Reasons had nothing to do with my stomach and habits in the kitchen.  What is the third ingredient?  ………? and two veg.  Nothing seemed to fit the menu for the longest time. A lazy cook, I had the old menus down pat and spent a maximum of 40 minutes cooking before dinner. The recipes in the vegetarian books had endless ingredients, processes and unfamiliar language. Organic I can understand.  Continue reading

Animal protein causes modern day diseases

Animal proteins are the cause of most modern day diseases. Not convinced then check out

The Rave Diet Book and Eating DVD would be enough to convince a healthy person, but if you have a life threatening condition that has been said to irreversible, don’t waste any more time just start eating a plant based diet.

Loving life and thanking the Earth for the green food that she provides,

Serah Roer, Certified Master Vegetarian

Distant Healing

Star Light, Star Bright

Once upon a time there was a young aboriginal girl, who, in this writing shall go by the name Star. She was living a life that had become all too common with her peoples. She was forced into work at home by physical abuse or threat of painful repercussion should she not comply. She naturally wanted this to stop and yet didn’t want to report her family to authorities as she feared she would become a ward of the government. She had amazing loyalty and love for family even though the hardship was immense. Perhaps more than anything, there was a wonderful sense that somehow this situation could change—well, more than change, it could heal.

Star needed to share her story, to speak to someone about what she was dealing with for her own sanity and to simultaneously keep hope alive – hope that she wouldn’t have to leave her home and her family. She spoke with a student counsellor and this helped some… however she feared that the only answer being given was to report the family to social services. And perhaps this is something that should happen; after all, there is hope in our society that intervention can help break the cycle of violence. Continue reading

How can you just stop eating meat and drinking milk

Written by Serah Roer, Saturday, 24 July 2010 09:13

A. How can you just stop eating meat and drinking milk when you know you would soon be sick and tired and your bones will start breaking easily?

B. Please open your eyes for a moment and look around you. People ARE sick and tired and many elderly folk HAVE osteoporosis, they took their milk and calcium pills faithfully too. What do most people eat? A diet that creates disease, high in animal protein. We also eat far too much fat, refined carbohydrates- like white flour and pasta- and sugary foods. This is what makes us sick and tired. What is even more crazy is that the powers that be who KNOW WHY we are sick continue to push this poison. Why? Because the ones who own/control the treatment of disease, the production of the so-called medicines, the growers of the livestock that we eat and the junk that is put in processed food make big money and that is all they seem to care about. Not to worry, God will help those who fall off the cliff into obesity, cancer, helplessness and early death. Personally I want to break from the herd and eat like a goat- tasty, fresh, whole-plant based FOOD. Try it for a while, it’s not easy to switch, but your body will love you for it. Elite athletes like Toni Gonzales, Jon Hinds, Carl Lewis, Martina Navritalova, to name a few, eat NO animal products and they don’t look sick and tired to me! Check it out! Oh, by the way, become a skeptic too, don’t believe a word of what you read about food supplements and on the front of eyecatching food packages.

Go with the REAL whole FOOD that you buy in the produce section and be healthy please!

Food Label reading is so confusing!

Written by Serah Roer
Saturday, 24 July 2010 09:02

Label reading is so confusing! What do you do to ensure your getting a healthy product?

Step One: Speed read the front label, but do not believe anything you read. Remember, Food manufacturers use this prime real estate to entice shoppers to buy their products.

Step Two: Go to the ingredients list! This is where they tell you what’s in the food. They list ingredients in order from most to least. NOTE: Avoid added sugars that appear as the first 3=5 ingredients to ensure that the product isn’t primarily made of sugar.

Step Three: Quick-scan the Nutrition Facts label! Here you will want to evaluate fat and sodium amounts in relation to the number of calories per serving. The fat percentage to number of calories should be no more than 20%, and the level of salt intake should stay under 2300 mgs. To give you an idea of how much salt that is, think 1 tsp = 2300mgs. Use a 1:1 ratio for mgs of salt against number of calories. Fat example: calories =in 100 cals – % of fat should be no higher than 20% Salt example: calories = in 100 mgs -salt should be no higher than 100mgs


The book China Study is Changing Our Eating Habits

Written by Serah Roer
Saturday, 24 July 2010 08:50

On being nudged into the China Study book, it didn’t take long for the nudge turn to turn into a push for me to learn more and put ‘less meat and more than two veg’ into my own eating habits. Here are some of the posts that I submitted over the three part eCornell Nutrition Course. Also some feed back through the little fluorite crystal skull, Beauvert.

Since then I see much activity and discussion on the internet and out there about the China Study and its implications and research material. Most people are still fixated on individual Nutrients in food. Instead we need to take in the whole product and just enjoy the symphony of nutrients it provides and the health and healing benefits we are given in organic produce grown with love and respect for the Mother Earth and her elemental helpers.

More articles to follow on this topic.

On the Way to One Wholly Healthy Planet.

Channelled by Serah Roer via Beau Vert the crystal skull
Saturday, 24 July 2010 09:45

Following on from the book review of The China Study by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas W. Campbell published in the Spring Quester Journal.

The eCornell course- is completed and the Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate in hand. 1-866-326-7635

Now what? Create a blog on line, to discuss the how and whys with others? Collect recipes and menus to use and share; find sources of locally grown organic produce and of course work/play in the garden at home and reap the harvest as it ripens. Many of you do this already and are very aware of the fact that we are what we eat.

Looking for the big picture, Beauvert, my 8x5x5cm fluorite crystal skull, came to mind, so with pad and pen in hand and Beavert at my elbow we sat down to collaborate again. It was the day after the powerful Grand Cross Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, when we had attended a wonderful gathering with a Huna Healing Ceremony for the Gulf of Mexico.

7.25am June 27th 2010.

Question:- What steps should be taken now on the path of nutritional awareness for myself and others?

‘You are already aware of the disaster of the Western Diet and its consequences. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer and the rampant effects of animal protein and sugar consumption addiction that has spread world-wide.

The Gulf of Mexico disaster could be compared to this, in that it is about a world-wide addiction to the use of petrolatum. Unfortunately the world governments are under the control of a cabal that can only see the almighty dollar sign in the products of their industry that rapes the planet of resources both above and below the earth. This is of course an addiction in itself and makes human appetites for food and oil appear as justification to keep on their path.

The term ‘hitting the wall’ is the only method of addiction treatment that can start a shift. Putting the victim of addiction into an environment free of the addicting substance for a length of time with strict supervision, loving support, psychological counselling and much tough love, is the only route to have any hope of a lasting effect. The term ‘cold turkey’ comes to mind. What that poor fowl has to do with addiction remains to be seen!

So all the planetary humans need do is to take meat/dairy farming, oil drilling and combustion engine and the world banking system, as examples, and examine their affects on the psyche of the world. As with smokers and alcoholics there has been some progress, laws made and support societies created to reduce the personal health and collateral damage that these products create.

On the whole the human health damage from animal protein consumption has yet to be exposed. The collateral damage of agri-business is concealed, covered by chemicals. The mining, drilling for oil products and its collateral damage is being realized as we speak to you now. The world-wide banking system has reduced the population’s independence, self-empowerment and esteem to their ability to use the man made resource called money; ‘coin of the realm’; cash; the almighty dollar or just change in the pocket of the beggars on the street corner. Learn, work, hold down that job, retire! The wheel of life in this, the end times, is for most humans, one of a tread mill. That of keeping up with debt and mortgage payments; with the news as it comes over the airwaves; with ‘the Jones’ next door who were able to get that new car, take a flight to Mexico to gain a few more pounds at the ‘all inclusive…’, or to borrow more money to maintain this life style. No time to examine the consequences of runaway inflation and the possible effect of the collapse if the house of worthless paper bank notes were to crash world-wide.

What is there that is real, dependable, safe and life saving in this world today?

A Community of Friends is the starting point. ‘It takes a village’ is a saying that applies to this. Why are humans all so individually gifted and different? So they can work together as one in these times to overcome the hardships and challenges that are approaching fast.

Way showers are needed.

  • Those who already practice as vegetarians;
  • Those who know how to grow healthy food on healthy land;
  • Those who know how to prepare, cook and preserve these foods.
  • Experts in their field to assist the addicted to keep them ‘on the wagon’.
  • As teachers in schools where children and adults can learn why the values of Love, Compassion and good relationships would avoid traumas in later life and are infinitely more valuable than unnecessary competition and the involved stress.
  • To show how does a cashless society work successfully?

This may be the big question the planet needs to be asking very soon. You have the awareness. Then next big step for mankind is to bite the bullet and know that the planet will survive and that you need to go within for the answers.

Then be the movers and shakers that make changes happen.

Ask for help! Your guides, angels, elementals et al are just waiting excitedly to be asked. You are so loved and appreciated in your many expressions of humanity.

8.40am. Thank you Beavert! Again, the Ho’oponono prayer to clean, clean, clean and clear.

I Love You! Please Forgive Me! I’m Sorry! Thank you!

For other Beauvert conversations, please check out the Articles section at

Letter to The Canadian Federal Minister responsible for Agriculture and Fisheries.

Saturday, 24 July 2010 09:40

To The Canadian Federal Minister responsible for Agriculture and Fisheries.

Dear Sir,

As an informed citizen I would like to voice my opinion concerning Canadian Nutritional Policy. To achieve a healthy democracy, what would be the best focus but to achieve a truly healthy population in a country where the land is nurtured and strong?

From his book The China Study, Dr Colin Campbell has developed on line courses on Nutrition, Diseases of Affluence and Principles in Practice through Cornell University. This is the source of my information and I am wanting to take some action to help spread a little light on the issues around the deteriorating and seemingly difficult matters of what to eat for optimum health.

I have learned of numerous studies pointing directly to the reason why ** obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and many immunodeficiency diseases** are rampant and unstoppable regardless of the millions of dollars of research spent on them. I am truly shocked and amazed to have found the simple answer to the whole problem and the fact that those answers have been concealed from the public for many years.

The bottom line is that the ‘Science of Nutrition’ is in the hands of those in the business of ‘marketing for profit’! I can see now how nutritional claims, made by the many powerful companies in the agriculture, pharmaceutical and food industries, are totally self serving and are not being held responsible to the consumer’s health. As a human being yourself, are you not concerned about the shocking trend of childhood obesity? Drs who are aware and wanting to help to move the public’s ‘addiction’ from animal to plant based foods are not welcome in the Canadian system and have to stifle their knowledge. This is unconscionable!

I have learned that the problems of the ‘Western Diet’ (**) has spread and is spreading world wide as people ‘learn’ that eating animal protein is the civilized and best thing for them! As you well know, land. water. ocean shorelines and air quality are all at the mercy of mankind’s pollution from chemical imbalances caused by industrialization. May I respectfully suggest that you consider the fact that pure food, not processed nutrients and products manipulated by technology, is the healthiest thing to eat and that you take some big steps to pull down the curtain of misinformation. People are waking up, becoming healthy again, eating plant based foods, fruit, vegetables and whole grains. These supply all the nutrients a human needs when grown on healthy land.

Yours in health,

Serah Roer. Retired RN. Salmon Arm. British Columbia.

Eating Consciously: Chewing on New-trition

Cooking is the ‘food language spoken’ by the person who is responsible for the rhythmic production of meals in a home. Often bought through from the original family fare, cooked by the mother traditions of the cultural cuisine, using products found in the local market stores, creating tastes and habits that make for feeling of being ‘at home and at ease’. Depending on the stability of the culture of the area, recipes and eating habits can harken back many generations.

Then along comes the relatively recent sciences of chemistry, biology, bacteriology, health and wellness, energy, disease causations and studies into the relationship between nutrition and health generally. All this information and more has bought a huge new awareness to bear on what and how we prepare Continue reading